Surface adhesion
It’s no longer a sticky problem

Adhesion challenges when painting, printing and bonding polyolefins?

Despite significant investment in pretreatments such as flame, plasma, corona and chemical specific primers, no current pretreatment for polyolefins (polypropylene and polyethylene) has delivered the cost-effective, durable and reliable adhesion performance your products need in service.

Many pretreatments activate polyolefin surfaces for a limited time frame, resulting in complex logistics to ensure parts are activated and coated/bonded within the adhesion window. This complexity and the low reliability of some pretreatments can lead to high levels of product scrap and defects. To combat this many companies evaluate specially designed coatings and adhesives to achieve the required adhesion quality, but costs can be significant and a one size fits all solution has not been available up to now.

Isn’t it time the adhesion issues with PP and PE were finally cured?

An adhesion promoter
that’s worth promoting

The good news is, great adhesion to polyolefins is now possible with our Polarfin® Adhesion Promoting products. No more worries about creating a permanently activated surface. No more concerns about shelf life or storage conditions reducing adhesion. Don’t stay stuck in the past, upgrade your adhesion game.

Polarfin® Adhesion Promoter doesn’t need huge outlays in machinery, or complex, time-consuming processes either. It fits into your current processes, often with no additional steps. Dispense with flame, corona or plasma pretreatments to activate your surfaces and use standard, off the shelf paints, inks and adhesives on polyolefin products, achieving excellent adhesion to all chemistries with one Polarfin® product. 

Don’t come unstuck with our Polarfin® Adhesion Promoting technology.  

Bonding opportunities

Whether you’re manufacturing, processing or supplying consumer products, our adhesion is assured

Our Polarfin® Adhesion Promoter products

The answer to lasting adhesion for lightweight polyolefins

Revolutionise your manufacturing processes by using Polarfin® Adhesion Promoter products to seamlessly adhere and paint polypropylene, polyethylene and composites without the need for pre-treatments


We’re here to help
Whatever polyolefin challenges you’re facing, our Polarfin® products can help you solve them
