The way ahead is now crystal clear

Overcoming a major anti-fogging challenge Longevity

While anti-fog surfactants and additives have been around since the 1960s, their longevity concerns have persisted up to now. Numerous additives promise anti-fog performance by migrating to the plastic surface, only to be washed away during use.

The result? Plastics and films lose their anti-fog, drip and misting properties well before the intended product lifetime ends, meaning products underperform and require replacement or the application of an additional anti-fogging solution. In challenging use conditions, the performance of these anti-fog products diminishes within months and cannot withstand continuous washing or abrasion.

The application of additional anti-fogging solutions, such as coatings is often used to regenerate anti-fogging performance, but this solution also suffers from robustness issues and still doesn’t provide permanent anti-fogging action. Abrasion resistance and handling of the film can reduce anti-fog effectiveness considerably over short periods of time. 

With our cutting-edge Polarfin® Anti-Fog you have a much brighter outlook

Revolutionise your anti-fog solutions and elevate your products with our advanced, long-lasting Polarfin® formulations. Unlike the current short-term performing additives and coatings, our unique Polarfin® Anti-Fog products are applied as a coating dispersion to provide anti-fogging performance that lasts the lifetime of your product.

You can now achieve robust, durable anti-fogging performance on polyolefins like never before. When it comes to anti-fogging, our ground-breaking Polarfin® Anti-Fog products are clearly the best solution. 

Clear possibilities

Whether you’re manufacturing film or using anti-fog coatings for your products, our technology brings a whole host of benefits

Our Polarfin® solution

The answer to anti-fog longevity

Our Polarfin® Anti-Fog coating dispersions give long lasting anti-fogging performance to your polyolefin products.


We’re here to help
Whatever polyolefin challenges you’re facing, our Polarfin® products can help you solve them
