Polarfin® The definitive answer to compatibilisation

The recycling conundrum Compatibilisation of polyolefins with polar plastics

Low compatibility between polyolefins (PE and PP) and polar plastics such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyamide (PA) and ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) is a major stumbling block to the creation of high value recycled plastics.

Effective compatibilisation of these chemically incompatible plastics has posed a challenge for decades, meaning substantial quantities of mixed plastic waste is not entering a circular economy but instead being landfilled or incinerated for energy recovery.

With significant global focus on sustainability and creating a circular economy within the plastics industry, this situation requires urgent action.

Here’s the good news!
Our radical Polarfin® Compatibiliser technology is the answer to this global challenge

Polarfin® Compatibiliser enables successful compatibilisation of polyolefins and polar plastics without detriments to mechanical strength or optical properties, allowing the recycling of mixed plastics, such as flexible packaging, back into high value applications.

This not only addresses one of the major challenges faced by the plastics value chain in recycling mixed plastics but also paves the way for improved sustainability and a more robust circular economy for future generations. 

The applications are endless

Whether you are in manufacturing, processing or consumer plastics, our Polarfin® Compatibiliser technology is ready to meet your sustainability needs!

Our Polarfin® solutions

The answer to your mixed plastics compatibility problems

Polarfin® Compatibiliser products outperform existing technologies for mixed plastics compatibilisation, enabling the recycling of multilayer flexible packaging at low addition rates without any loss in mechanical performance.


We’re here to help
Whatever polyolefin challenges you’re facing, our Polarfin® products can help you solve them
